
Last Updated: June 8, 2024
Inspired by
Derek Sivers

  • Location: Southwest Colorado

  • Career: Tech Lead

  • Learning: Management and trying to ride the line between that role and still writing code.

  • Working on: Giving back to my community in the realm of special needs.

  • Recently Read:

    • The Revenant (Michael Punke)

    • Gates of Fire (Steven Pressfield)

    • Leadership Strategy and Tactics (Jocko Willin)

    • Rework (Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson)

    • How to Change Your Mind (Michael Pollan)

  • What I Think You Should Read:

    • Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)

    • Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card)

    • Making Sense of God (Tim Keller)

    • The Overstory (Richard Powers)

    • The Bible (40+ People)

  • Currently Enjoying:

    • Akira the Don

    • Blake Crouch

    • Celtic Music

    • Workaholics

    • Michael Franti

  • Other Interests:

    • Stoicism

    • Mycology

    • Terrain Building

    • Guitar

    • Supporting Families of Children with Special Needs